(AUNT ARTIC TRACKER HAS BEEN CANCELED UNTIL LATER NOTICE)You can check out Riffy's for help on tracking by clicking on the link!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Your Ad here!

Be happy! Now we are holding a service! You can get put your ad (that sposors your website, CP store, etc.) for a Card Jitsu code, a Membership code, or a code for coins (no less than 2,000 coins). If any of the following codes do not work then your ad will be tooken off. Also, 2 famous ad's I am putting up now! (HappyHope2's and RiffyCP's)  I am putting these two up because HappyHope2 is my CP buddy and Riffy has a site that I can trust! If you want your ad on our site email me the ad and the code by prssing here! 

Until next time,

Waddle On!

Club Penguin White Penguin Spotted!

Oh My Gosh! On Club Penguin a white penguin was spotted! His/Her name was Artic Days.  I already know the program used to become white because, I will not lie, I used to be a Third-Party-Penguin. The program used is called CP Blizzard. I'm not like that anymore, though. I did that when I was like 9 and now I'm 11 turning 12. I have learned in those 2 years. But the penguin could have been a test penguin because it did not move or talk and then a smoke cloud appeared around it and it dissapeared. But that is rather weird because it did not have the Ninja Braces on.

Also, I am creating a multiplayer chat game like Club Penguin called PARTY PENGUINS. It is basically a version 2 of Club Penguin. With my computer skills, it might take a while. Also, I want it hosted by Disney like Club Penguin. It will be similiar to Club Penguin, but not exactly the same. The pet's will be called Furr and here is one of them:

They are similiar to puffles but have different adaptations and powers. The penguins will look very similiar, and with credit to Club Penguin, I might be able to use it. Here is how a ninja should look:
(credit to: Club Penguin for image)
The image will probally be changed. If it is changed, these should be the changes:

1. FULL BELT (there's a gap in belt)

See you soon, and until next time

Waddle On!

Monday, April 9, 2012

April Fools Party-FUN!

Well, the April Fools Party was fun. I had lots of fun with my friends like Rookie, Random People, and Puffles. I did fun stuff like get eaten by a puffle, and (ALMOST) meeting Rookie! It was fun. I'm laughing as I write this post because it was so fun and crazy!
Until the next party,

Waddle On! :)


New Mascot For Earth Day Party

Hello my flippered friends. The mascot for the Earth Day Party is Aunt Artic.

Aunt Artic is Editor In Chief of the Club Penguin Times and usually writes articles except for when special events come like the April Fools Party.

More Soon...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

New Club Penguin Video: Best Seat In The House

Hey Flipper Friends. Club Penguin has a new video! It's called best seat in the house. I liked it and thought it was funny! 

Easter Egg Hunt 2012

Yay! The easter egg hunt is on.

To get a cool prize, you have to find 8 eggs.
When you login to Club Penguin you have to press on the egg at the top right corner of your computer screen. It should show you this:

Then read the clue to find the first egg.
 (the Hidden Lake)

Read the second clue to find the next egg.
 (the Book Room)

Read the third clue to find the next egg.
 (the Beach)

Read the fourth clue to find the next egg.
(the Mine Shack)

Read the fifth clue to find the next egg.
(the Cove)

Read the sixth clue to find the next egg.
(the Gift Shop)

Read the seventh clue to find the next egg.
(the Ski Village)

Read the eighth clue to find the last egg.
(in the Beacon)

Once you find all the eggs you will get a prize. To get the prize press "Claim Prize."

Now don't pick them up later because the party ends on April 10th and because this item could never return! The first time this item was introduced was when the parent update for April was sent out. Here is a penguin wearing the bunny ears in the parent update:

Also, here is a penguin's playercard with them on and just in the game:

Also, don't forget to get the special pin!
To get the new Easter pin you can go to the forest and click on the Easter Egg Pin.
Easter Basket Pin icon NOBORDER.png
This pin is the 200th pin but is not celebrated at the 200th because of the Easter Party.
Once you press on it a screen will come up. It says "You have found a Easter Basket. Would you like to pick it up?"

Press "Yes" then go in your playercard, select it, and then it will be on your playercard. It should look like this:

Also for the next party (Earth Day Party) I will make a new chat because Aunt Artic will be coming. The tracker will be coming early!

(CREDIT TO: clubpenguin.wikia  FOR PICTURES)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools Party 2012

Well as you know, the 2012 April Fools Party started March 30th. APRIL FOOLS! Actually it has started.
The April Fools Party is really fun, too!
This years topic is where the Orange Puffles came from. As I've heard by exploring, they came from a room called the "Orange Puffle Dimension" which has a orange lake, a orange puffle castle with a tongue slide, raining cookies, cookies everywhere, and a big puffle throne chair.
Screenshot 691.png
My favorite two dimensions are the "Doodle Dimension"
Screenshot 695.png
and the "Zany Dimension"
Screenshot 696.png
Also look what I found in the newspaper:

This years mascot is the same as last years, Rookie. Rookie is a PSA and EPF agent and is in both Club Penguin Video Games for DS.  Rookie looks like this:

He is found in crowded servers like Zipline, Bigfoot, Yukon...
He is also in crowded dimensions like the new "Orange Puffle Dimension" and the new "Zany Dimension". This is his Playercard:

When you meet him you get his background which looks like this:

Here's his background behind a penguins playercard:

In the next post I will include a Rookie Finder chat box!